Outstanding Quaker Education Since 1845 | Nursery - Grade 12

Visit Friends' Central

Join us for an upcoming Admission Event

Register for An Upcoming Event

Discover the magic of Friends’ Central School by registering for one of our upcoming Admissions events.
Explore our 26-acre City Avenue campus (Middle/Upper School) or our 18-acre Lower School campus; meet administrators, teachers, and current students; and see what you and your child can expect as a part of our school community. No matter your child's age or grade level, Friends' Central School has something to offer.

Tour Our Campuses

See what it’s like to be a part of the FCS community

Our easily accessible Middle and Upper School campus is set on 28 beautiful acres on City Avenue in Wynnewood. Students in Nursery through grade 5 are on our idyllic 18-acre Lower School campus on Old Gulph Road in Wynnewood.

A Welcome From Friends' Central

Academic Excellence

Over 80% of seniors are admitted to one of their top choice schools.

What FCS Parents Are Saying

“I love the balance teachers in all divisions hold between being nurturing and doing real academic preparation. FCS is an intellectual and loving community.”

Words can't adequately express my gratitude for the Friends' Central community! Our family highly values education and the tuition is worth every penny for the school experience our children receive.

"I absolutely love Friends Central. My daughter is receiving an incredible education and has met amazing people. The teachers are incredible!"

Great community of educators and students. Learning in a loving community is an advantage that every student should have. At Friends' Central every student does have it."

We Go Further

We Grow

We grow stronger through collaboration.

We Dig

We dig deeper for new knowledge.

We Aim

We aim higher in the pursuit of intellectual promise.

Ready to Apply?